What makes me happy is my little 80-year-old mother, who is chock full of joyful projects : she's going to move into a new appartment.

How to propagate the Virus of Happiness?

In fact, it's quite simple !

  1. Answer this question; "What makes, or has made you, happy?" and become a Happiness Agent
  2. You earn some "Points Of Presence" (POP)
  3. You invest your Points in the city of your choice
  4. You spead the Virus of Happiness around the world.

What is the virus of happiness and how it works?

What is Happython?

And how does it work?

About Happython

Happython was founded in 1998 on this simple question: "What makes you, or has made you, happy?".
The answers of many people were printed and then exposed-pinned on clothes dryers called "Porte-Bonheurs".
These exhibitions took place in galleries, public places, post offices and finally on the web.
The idea of a Happening Record of happy moments has germinated: the Happython and the Happiness Virus have been created!
For more than 20 years, tens of thousands of people between the ages of 2 and 109 from all over the world have testified about what makes them happy.
Now it’s your turn!

What makes them or has made them happy?

What makes me happy is to please to my parents so that they are proud of me. Thank you Dad and Mum, I'm madly in love with you!!!

One of the things I like to do is ….don't laugh at me ! It is to take off the shell of hard-boiled eggs. I adore that and it makes me happy.

Lilou , 33 years old, Montréal (Canada)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy? My new life with the man of my life hihihi !

Catherine , 36 years old, Mons (Belgique)

My fall in the bus this afternoon because a good-looking boy gave me a smile and helped me to get up

To see my baby's birth.

Fatima-Zohra , 30 years old, Marrakech (Maroc)

What makes me happy is holding one of the metro's double doors, while exchanging a smile, and vice-versa.

Pierre , 68 years old, Paris (France)

I like eating spaghetti and curly lettuce with some surimi, I like cuddles and playing with my friends, it makes me happy.

Olympia , 5 years old, Champigny-sur-Marne (France)

What makes me happy, today, is seeing a magnificent carpet of dead leaves at the foot of a tree and hearing a bird singing on the bare tree.

Jacqueline , 79 years old, Lille (France)

What makes me happy is my little 80-year-old mother, who is chock full of joyful projects : she's going to move into a new appartment.

Odile , 45 years old, Renay (France)

What really makes me happiest is seeing happy people around me, and what makes my heart smile is sharing my happiness with others.

Suzie , 31 years old, Candiac (Canada)
Exposition citatine

What made me happy Tuesday was seeing my cashier at the supermarket.

Claude , 35 years old, Rosny-sous-Bois (France)

What makes me happy is the happiness of others surrounding me.

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to get up in the morning and think that I'm still there despite the past difficulties.

My referee diploma made me happy.

Bilal , 14 years old, Vaulx-en-Velin (France)

What makes me happy is that each and every day, I live…

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

My children ‘s smiles make me happy.

Sandrine , 32 years old, Brabant Wallon (Belgique)

I'm happy every morning when my man snuggles up to me saying: “good morning, darling, I'm here next to you”. I shiver.

I am happy when I can make a date with a very good-looking girl.

Micka , 22 years old, Lyon (France)

What makes me happy is my man's love.

Martine , 43 years old, Wavre (Belgique)

What makes me happy ? To create.

Jacques , 68 years old, Paris (France)
Exposition citatine

One of the things I like to do is ….don't laugh at me ! It is to take off the shell of hard-boiled eggs. I adore that and it makes me happy.

Lilou , 33 years old, Montréal (Canada)

What makes me happy is making up with a colleague ! ( a little daily pleasure)

Christian , 44 years old, Paris (France)
Exposition citatine

I adore my little kitten's caresses. That makes me happy.

Karma , 28 years old, Palma de Majorque (Espagne)

My little world makes me happy… I first of all have all my pets: Loulou, Fofinha, Nina, Cleo, Cesar, Micas they are my dogs who, I can assure you, are also very happy with 3400 feet of field and two little houses… My cats: Tigrao, Faisca, Princesa who have 4 little kittens Milady, Aramis, Dartanhan, Portos… My tortoises whose names are: César and Cléopâtre…. My birds in big cage…

Silvia , 23 years old, Pombal (Portugal)

For me, happiness is a content life as a couple, sharing intense moments with another person, who I'm anxious to find again...

Cynthia , 26 years old, Granby (Canada)

What makes me happy is to listen to Danièle's music, dance the tarentelle and tammurriata and sing with my friends (especially napolitean songs).

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)

I have just come out of a coma. Here it is : happiness is to be alive again.

Laura , 38 years old, Lille (France)

What has made me happy for 30 years is to live with an exceptional woman who is my wife, my friend, my confidante and my mistress all at the same time.

Rida , 55 years old, Sfax (Tunisie)

I'm in college prep, and what makes me happy is that my scores went from 2 over 20 to 4 over 20. I tell myself then, that now I see the fruits of my labors.

Laly , 18 years old, Paris (France)

Each morning on my way to work, I read the newspaper and I hurry up to read the Happython. Often I find myself in what was said. Today, it's my turn. What makes me happy is going to bed early and waking up late when I don't have to work.

Aline , 45 years old, Villepinte (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is going to the Happython site every day, reading the testimonies of people filled with happiness ready to break up the sadness, to put my little foot on the wall, too. That puts sunshine in my eyes for the rest of the day.

Céline , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is the children's smile.

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)
Exposition citatine

What made me happy was seeing that people haven't yet forgotten Ingrid Bettancourt and her thousand-day-detention, November 19, 2004.

Hervé , 20 years old, Paris (France)

A moment of happiness: the kiss from this little girl who thanked me for having cured her mommy. What made me happy yesterday was passing the evening with the man I love, dancing all night with him and showing him that his black skin and my white skin show at the same time both contrast and harmony.

Muriel , 48 years old, Blois (France)

What makes me feel really happy is to be free to act, speak and realise my dreams.

Hazar , 26 years old, Tunis (Tunisie)

What makes me happy is cracking my toes in bed instead of studying math during that time.

Ronan , 19 years old, Marseille (France)

For me, it's the sea that makes me happy!!! When I see it or just even think about it I feel good deep inside. It might be quite trivial but the blue ocean makes me happy.

Mina , 30 years old, Tizi Ouzou (Algérie)

Tomorrow's day is already making me happy.

Julie , 23 years old, Marseille (France)

What makes me happy is writing a message to Happython and knowing that one day, maybe, my testimony with help spread the virus of happiness.

Hélène , 20 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy is when I have the giggles and when I laugh so much so that I have a stomachache… I feel so well after shading tears of laughter.

Exposition citatine

What makes me happiest is all the little daily pleasures... Why search so hard, look what we have near

Louise , 43 years old, Chicoutimi (Canada)

My referee diploma made me happy.

Bilal , 14 years old, Vaulx-en-Velin (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy, today, is seeing a magnificent carpet of dead leaves at the foot of a tree and hearing a bird singing on the bare tree.

Jacqueline , 79 years old, Lille (France)

What makes me happy is learning that my parents are going to leave for a lover's weekend. After 23 years of marriage, isn't it still really cute?

Pierre , 18 years old, Marseille (France)

0n Saint Valentin's night I decided to make love with a 40-year-old man. I was his little princess, I desired him so much that I was afraid. I was trembling. He made love with me as none had ever done . On that night I saw the wolf : happy.

Amira , 25 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is seeing my daughters happy and in good health

Lilou , 33 years old, Montréal (Canada)

What makes me happy is running with people who are going to miss their train: not because I want to catch the train, but just for the pleasure of running and being out of breath...

Mélanie , 22 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is getting online at noon each day on one of the computers at med school with Celine and Arthur to leave messages on Happython !

Carole , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)

What makes me happy ? The field of grapefruit in pink mornings.

Damien , 24 years old, Lille (France)

What makes me happy are my kids' smiles in the morning.

Jo , 35 years old, Terrebonne (Canada)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is telling myself that I am going to see the man of my dreams on my right during my classes.

Clémentine , 18 years old, Gennevilliers (France)

I am happy as soon as I get home from the office in the evening and see my child's smile.

Sam , 25 years old, Toulon (France)
Exposition citatine

The smile of a child after an X-ray treatment… A baby holding out his hand… All that makes me happy!!

Laure , 34 years old, Blois (France)

What warms my heart and makes me happy is when nothing relents, seeing that my ideas come back stronger and more definite.

Jeff , 22 years old, Marseille (France)

Lots of things make me happy : I bought an appartment, I slept with a girl and I stopped smoking !

Lolie , 21 years old, Paris (France)

What makes me happy is to be with a friend and with the kids.

Anna , 45 years old, Naples (Italie)

Breathing everyday and going with the flow of my dailyjourney enjoying a beautiful sunny day and if possible near the sea, the lake or a river.

Monique , 46 years old, Heisdorf (Luxembourg)

What makes me happy!!! Well, I'm only 17 years old, so my happiness is far from complete, but I'll say that what makes me happy is seeing people smile.

Mary , 17 years old, Terrebonne (Canada)

For you I am not merely a thing, my happiness is you, Pilou.

Katie , 46 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)

What makes me happy ? My dog !

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)
Exposition citatine

I am happy to have a large family and a girlfriend who shares my vision. I am happy to have a lucky star in my life professionally, financially, and for leisure, love and health.

A wet spring evening simply makes me happy.

Thomas , 23 years old, Gand (Belgique)
Exposition citatine

Surprising a little sparrow while he's taking a bath in a puddle of water, that's what makes me really happy.

Céline , 22 years old, Langoiran (France)

Nothing makes me happier than to create something with my own hands, to prepare some tempting meal that we can all share together later, or to sew cushions myself. There is a magic in creating, making, concocting something with ones own hands. It is a proof that our hands are just an extension of our thoughts.

What makes me happy : all the young people getting involved in the life of a new family…and those babies continuing life.

Brigitte , 50 years old, Chatellerault (France)

My wife makes me happy… She helped me to discover what real life is like!!!

Nacer , 34 years old, Chlef (Algérie)

What makes me happy, hmm... The first is waking up and seeing sunbeams... the second is payday... the third is my last day at work!

Chantal , 33 years old, Saint-Léonard (Canada)

The fact that I've met my soul mate makes me happy.

Sadek , 26 years old, Béjaïa (Algérie)

What makes me happy is knowing that I am loved for who I am and that fills my heart with emotion to have tears of it in my eyes ! Then I understand that life is more than magic. Thanks to life.

Petrouchka , 21 years old, Marseille (France)

One evening placed on his lower back, I thought about his little round body and I realized how happy I was to be a Daddy.

François , 25 years old, Paris (France)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is to read every morning the Happython when I'm in class. It puts me in a good mood for all the day.

What makes me happy is the beauty of the sky.

Camille , 10 years old, Rome (Italie)
Exposition citatine

What makes me happy is the sunset above the sea.

Andrade , 52 years old, Lisbonne (Portugal)

What makes me happy : Luigi who brought me a chocolate egg, only for me !

Vanessa , 21 years old, Rome (Italie)

What makes me happy is to have left my parents' house.

Daniela , 32 years old, Ancône (Italie)